“The Political Divide: How Disagreements Are Impacting Estate Planning”
In the past, political disagreements were just that – disagreements, and people could easily move on from them. However, in recent years, with the rise of polarizing figures like Donald Trump and the increased sharing of opinions on social media, political disagreements have become more divisive. A poll conducted in 2022 found that nearly 1 in 5 voters reported that politics had harmed their relationships.
The author shares a personal anecdote about a conversation with a friend that turned heated due to differing political beliefs. They decided to avoid discussing politics to preserve their friendship. The author also discusses a trend they have noticed in their work as a lawyer, where clients are removing beneficiaries from their wills and trusts because of differing political beliefs. This extreme measure reflects the deep divide that politics has created among friends and families.
The author emphasizes the importance of respecting differences in political beliefs and not letting them destroy relationships. They urge readers to take a step back before making any decisions based on political values and consider the bigger picture of their relationships. The author also highlights the significance of communication in estate planning and encourages open dialogue with loved ones.
Ultimately, the author calls for understanding and empathy in political discussions, reminding readers that there are real people behind political ideologies. They stress that while it is important to express opinions and vote for what one believes in, it is not worth losing relationships over. The author’s insights shed light on the damaging effects of political polarization on personal relationships and estate planning decisions.